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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

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Family Resource Center

Little Cardinal Family Resource Center

Ashley J. Thompson, Coordinator

Emma Foster, Assistant Coordinator

Catrina Hale, Secretary

Phone/Fax: 606-340-3610





Little Cardinal Family Resource Center is part of the Wayne County School system.  The center serves students and families at Walker Early Learning Center and Bell Elementary.  The goal of the center is to help students be successful in school by removing all barriers to learning and helping families meet their needs. 


The LCFRC coordinates and provides assistance to students and families in the following areas:

Preschool Child Care

· Referrals to Day Care Centers and the Child Care Subsidy Program

· Child Plus Fair

After School Child Care

· Referrals to Day Care Centers

· After school programs

· Summer Activities

Families in Training

· Referrals to community agencies (HANDS, First Steps, etc)

· Maintains a supply of pamphlets in the center

Referrals to Parenting Classes

Family Literacy

· Family Reading Nights

· Parent Involvement Activities

· Adult Education Center Referrals

Educational Support

· Positive Postcards

· Orientation/ Transition Activities

· Monthly Newsletter

· Career Day

· Character Education

· Parent Involvement Activities

Health Services

· Backpack Program

· Referrals to counseling agencies

· Dental Services

· Red Ribbon Week

· Referrals for Eye Glasses and Exams

· Registered Nurse Services

· KCHIP Applications

· Lice Prevention

Basic Needs

· Referrals for Christmas Assistance

· Referrals to Hope Center

· School Supplies

· Clothing Closets

· Assistance for Emergency situations


FRYSC Mission Statement

The Family Resource and Youth Services Centers’ program mission is to enhance students’ abilities to succeed in school by developing and sustaining partnerships that promote early learning and successful transition into school, academic achievement and well-being,and graduation and transition into adult life. 

FRYSC Vision Statement

The Kentucky Division of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services shall establish the national standard of excellence in the provision of school-based family support.


What's Happening in 2018

Bornlearning Academy
Red Ribbon Week